Great! RDC 2005! Write best graphical demo in REBOL, fit it in 32 768 bytes and you can win:
1. iPod Video
2. XBox360 (or Mac Mini)
3. SDK or Command license (1st and 2nd too)
Isn't it great? Everybody's probably working on a demo now as deadline is on December 31st, 11:59:59 GMT. Submit your demos using dedicated web page (wait a moment, there's no such a web page still and the deadline is less than two weeks away!) and then wait.
And if you're waiting you can wait for Core 2.6.3 which is comming in January 2006. Together with View 1.3.3? Who knows. But we can hope.
So don't expect many new blogs till new year, as I'm trying to win iPod or XBox ;)
Blog about REBOL written in terrible English. This is not Carl's blog, this one is independent ;)
19 December 2005
14 December 2005
Mail file sharing
Because I'm writing scripts on more than one computer I need to sync files somehow. I can use flashdisk for synchronization, but USB is not always available or I forget my flashdisk at home, so it's not always the right option.
Or I can use ftp to upload and download files. But at the end I've got lots of different directories with different versions, because I have no intelligent file structure.
I was inspired by Google filesystems for win and lin so I decided to use some freemail (gmail preferably) for my scripts maintaing. Unfortunatly, Gmail needs some authentication, SSL or what and SSL under REBOL needs Command and Command needs 350$ to buy.
So I found another freemail provider that offers both non-authenticated SMPT and POP and therefore is OK for REBOL (btw. remeber the old REBOL example? send[luke]@[rebol].[com] read ? Hard to do with all the authetications required today.) and I started coding.
The result is a small application called %rspace.r that can upload file to repository, download newest version from repository, or you can get list of all files in repository and finally, if you're happy with your script, you can publish it on www/ftp. All this with documentation in less than 6kB.
All you need is REBOL and mail account cappable of SMTP/POP without authentication. It's good to have an FTP account for publishing files but that's not required. If you do not have an mail account, I've set up one on, user 'rebolspace' and pass 'spacerebol' for testing this application (it's built in, so you can start testing right after download).
Remember, it's just alpha, does not have many features, but it works, I can write something here, update it there and have all the versions accesible from everywhere. It's written for REBOL scripts so with big projects it's going to be very slow and unusable, but for small project (and most REBOL scripts are really small) it's probably good.
So download it form (stable) or (latest published version).
WARNING: because[rebolspace]@[seznam].[cz] is open account it won't be wise to use it ordinarily. Please, if you like it, set up your own account and use it instead of built-in one.
And remember: all suggestions and fixes are welcome.
Because I'm writing scripts on more than one computer I need to sync files somehow. I can use flashdisk for synchronization, but USB is not always available or I forget my flashdisk at home, so it's not always the right option.
Or I can use ftp to upload and download files. But at the end I've got lots of different directories with different versions, because I have no intelligent file structure.
I was inspired by Google filesystems for win and lin so I decided to use some freemail (gmail preferably) for my scripts maintaing. Unfortunatly, Gmail needs some authentication, SSL or what and SSL under REBOL needs Command and Command needs 350$ to buy.
So I found another freemail provider that offers both non-authenticated SMPT and POP and therefore is OK for REBOL (btw. remeber the old REBOL example? send
All you need is REBOL and mail account cappable of SMTP/POP without authentication. It's good to have an FTP account for publishing files but that's not required. If you do not have an mail account, I've set up one on, user 'rebolspace' and pass 'spacerebol' for testing this application (it's built in, so you can start testing right after download).
Remember, it's just alpha, does not have many features, but it works, I can write something here, update it there and have all the versions accesible from everywhere. It's written for REBOL scripts so with big projects it's going to be very slow and unusable, but for small project (and most REBOL scripts are really small) it's probably good.
So download it form (stable) or (latest published version).
WARNING: because
And remember: all suggestions and fixes are welcome.
06 December 2005
I wrote there are probably no new features in View 1.3.2 . That's not true, there's new effect - convolve. It's a standard covolution matrix that can be applied on face as any other effect. Usage is following:
view layout [
image effect [
convolve [
-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
] 0 128 true
Format of convolve is:
matrix [block!] divisor [number!] offset [number!] preprocess-grayscale [logic!]
There were rumours for long time that convolve is already part of View, but only internally without user-interface, despite this being true, convolve is finally official part of View and that's great. So let's look more suprises hidden in this new release! :))
I wrote there are probably no new features in View 1.3.2 . That's not true, there's new effect - convolve. It's a standard covolution matrix that can be applied on face as any other effect. Usage is following:
view layout [
image effect [
convolve [
-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
] 0 128 true
Format of convolve is:
matrix [block!] divisor [number!] offset [number!] preprocess-grayscale [logic!]
There were rumours for long time that convolve is already part of View, but only internally without user-interface, despite this being true, convolve is finally official part of View and that's great. So let's look more suprises hidden in this new release! :))
SDK 2.6.2 released!
Gabriele said yesterday, that new SDK should be out "very soon". I didn't thought he was talking not in days but in hours :) So it's out, with >50 bugs fixed (still no change-log but it surely comes later). Anything new? As I supposed, no. We have to wait for 1.4.0 .And, there won't be new betas, because "everybody was in favour of this idea". Erhm, me not, I like betas. But View 1.3.2 is out and that's good. RT still has to change their web pages to reflect it everywhere, because thy still offer 1.3.1 as newest version.
Gabriele said yesterday, that new SDK should be out "very soon". I didn't thought he was talking not in days but in hours :) So it's out, with >50 bugs fixed (still no change-log but it surely comes later). Anything new? As I supposed, no. We have to wait for 1.4.0 .And, there won't be new betas, because "everybody was in favour of this idea". Erhm, me not, I like betas. But View 1.3.2 is out and that's good. RT still has to change their web pages to reflect it everywhere, because thy still offer 1.3.1 as newest version.
05 December 2005
1.3.2 should be out very soon.
Said Gabriele on AltMe. If you look at RAMBO, there's cca. 40 fixed bugs for View 1.3.2/Core 2.6.2 .
So what can we expect in 1.3.2 ?
rebcode - no. It's not secure now, should be part of 1.4
rebservices - don't know. Maybe client/server will be part of 1.3.2 . That should be great addition.
new datatypes - probably not. You can find unicode! , rebcode! and vector! in recent alphas, but they'll be probably removed.
rich text - there was no alpha demo so I think it has to wait for 1.4.
And what is expected release date of 1.4? Nobody knows.
Said Gabriele on AltMe. If you look at RAMBO, there's cca. 40 fixed bugs for View 1.3.2/Core 2.6.2 .
So what can we expect in 1.3.2 ?
rebcode - no. It's not secure now, should be part of 1.4
rebservices - don't know. Maybe client/server will be part of 1.3.2 . That should be great addition.
new datatypes - probably not. You can find unicode! , rebcode! and vector! in recent alphas, but they'll be probably removed.
rich text - there was no alpha demo so I think it has to wait for 1.4.
And what is expected release date of 1.4? Nobody knows.
Two news.
I've got two news. One good and one bad. First the good one.
Graham Chiu has released his Synapse EMR
From the announcement:
Graham's EMR is a free powerful multi-user electronic medical records
system that uses the open source RDBMS Firebird.
* Multi-user across LANs and the Internet.
* No installation or registry changes.
* Small client and server footprint.
* Rich GUI client.
* Encrypted network traffic.
* Unlimited number of patients and staff.
* Tablet PC friendly.
* Image friendly - include images and drawings in your consults
* Medication Database Included.
* Read codes included.
* Easy Custom Form creation
* Paper management - store scanned documents
* MS Word integration
* LaTeX integration
And now the bad one. Carl is thinking about not releasing beta-versions. Sad, sad, sad.
I've got two news. One good and one bad. First the good one.
Graham Chiu has released his Synapse EMR
From the announcement:
Graham's EMR is a free powerful multi-user electronic medical records
system that uses the open source RDBMS Firebird.
* Multi-user across LANs and the Internet.
* No installation or registry changes.
* Small client and server footprint.
* Rich GUI client.
* Encrypted network traffic.
* Unlimited number of patients and staff.
* Tablet PC friendly.
* Image friendly - include images and drawings in your consults
* Medication Database Included.
* Read codes included.
* Easy Custom Form creation
* Paper management - store scanned documents
* MS Word integration
* LaTeX integration
And now the bad one. Carl is thinking about not releasing beta-versions. Sad, sad, sad.
30 November 2005
Yesterday I played a bit with REBservices.
(Grrr, I have to start new line because blogger's editor seems to be really buggy.). It's a cool concept for computer colaboration over network (or even locally). Altought it's a bit paint to make it work now (it's because of documentation, alpha stage and it's not built in right now), it's really great. And guess what happend. I've started %checker.r and it said RebServices documentation has been updated! Old quick start document is now called developer's doc and there's new quick start (really quick one :) Also, interesting (but little confusing ;) is Volker's RebServices corner.
It's great to have something like RebServices and Rebcode, they are great additions to REBOL. Can't wait for View 1.4.0.
Yesterday I played a bit with REBservices.
(Grrr, I have to start new line because blogger's editor seems to be really buggy.). It's a cool concept for computer colaboration over network (or even locally). Altought it's a bit paint to make it work now (it's because of documentation, alpha stage and it's not built in right now), it's really great. And guess what happend. I've started %checker.r and it said RebServices documentation has been updated! Old quick start document is now called developer's doc and there's new quick start (really quick one :) Also, interesting (but little confusing ;) is Volker's RebServices corner.
It's great to have something like RebServices and Rebcode, they are great additions to REBOL. Can't wait for View 1.4.0.
24 November 2005
Bitmap tracer
Yesterday Oldes released nice program, bitmap tracer. ( ). It's written in rebcode and the algorythm is his own, not a implementation. He's using it for converting bitmap fonts to vector ones for usage in his REBOL/Flash dialect. And because it's Oldes, the usage is somehow tricky :)
probe vectorize
If you try that code you can see result is not very REBOLish, a block of numbers. It's the coordinates in [x y x y ...] format, because rebcode cannot handle pair!. Erhm, pardon, rebcode cannot handle pair! ??
>> a: rebcode [x][pick y x 1 print y]
>> a 1x1
Seems it can :) Oldes has separate function for conversion of his row of numbers to pair! so usage seems like that:
probe ctx-vectorize/to-pairs vectorize
Yes, great. Unfortunately, the result is somehow scaled and shifted, so somebody should correct 'vectorize function to support pairs or correct 'to-pairs function not to shift and scale result.
But these are just minor problems, they're result of Oldes' coding style. The main thing is that it's now possible to natively convert bitmap images to vectors. And that's great!
Yesterday Oldes released nice program, bitmap tracer. ( ). It's written in rebcode and the algorythm is his own, not a implementation. He's using it for converting bitmap fonts to vector ones for usage in his REBOL/Flash dialect. And because it's Oldes, the usage is somehow tricky :)
probe vectorize
If you try that code you can see result is not very REBOLish, a block of numbers. It's the coordinates in [x y x y ...] format, because rebcode cannot handle pair!. Erhm, pardon, rebcode cannot handle pair! ??
>> a: rebcode [x][pick y x 1 print y]
>> a 1x1
Seems it can :) Oldes has separate function for conversion of his row of numbers to pair! so usage seems like that:
probe ctx-vectorize/to-pairs vectorize
Yes, great. Unfortunately, the result is somehow scaled and shifted, so somebody should correct 'vectorize function to support pairs or correct 'to-pairs function not to shift and scale result.
But these are just minor problems, they're result of Oldes' coding style. The main thing is that it's now possible to natively convert bitmap images to vectors. And that's great!
23 November 2005
Checker works!
So my REBOL-pages checker seems to work. Today it says: Page has been changed on 23-Nov-2005/8:26:30 . Great! I checked that page and unfortunatly I haven't got an old copy so I cannot check directly what has been changed. So i looked at the page and it says: Updated: 9-Nov-2005 . Hm, my checker works bad? That's impossible! But wait, look at the bottom of the page! What does it say? Copyright 2005 REBOL Technologies - MakeDoc2 by REBOL - 23-Nov-2005 . Ha, so I was right! It has been changed! And that's the final proof that something is still happening at REBOL Technologies and that's great. :)
Hm, not very informative post :)
So my REBOL-pages checker seems to work. Today it says: Page has been changed on 23-Nov-2005/8:26:30 . Great! I checked that page and unfortunatly I haven't got an old copy so I cannot check directly what has been changed. So i looked at the page and it says: Updated: 9-Nov-2005 . Hm, my checker works bad? That's impossible! But wait, look at the bottom of the page! What does it say? Copyright 2005 REBOL Technologies - MakeDoc2 by REBOL - 23-Nov-2005 . Ha, so I was right! It has been changed! And that's the final proof that something is still happening at REBOL Technologies and that's great. :)
Hm, not very informative post :)
21 November 2005
Where is a rodmap?
Where is REBOL's roadmap? What can we expect in new version? And when is this version comming out? Is the best way for finding out new verison to check everyday? Does "doc Friday" mean that we can get new docs only on Fridays and not on every Friday? And same with Q&A Wednesdays?
And last, but not least, will REBOL someday hit 1.000.000 pages in Google?
PS: Hm, there are changes in docs, but they're nowhere mentioned. Going to write some checker.
Where is REBOL's roadmap? What can we expect in new version? And when is this version comming out? Is the best way for finding out new verison to check everyday? Does "doc Friday" mean that we can get new docs only on Fridays and not on every Friday? And same with Q&A Wednesdays?
And last, but not least, will REBOL someday hit 1.000.000 pages in Google?
PS: Hm, there are changes in docs, but they're nowhere mentioned. Going to write some checker.
19 November 2005
So new alpha version is out! And this time with some informations on what has been changed. Rebcode is now rebound so I can continue with my synthesizer. I'm reading that list now and it seems that lot of things has been changed in 1.3.60 so I have to dig deeper in it.
That's all for today, my girlfriend had a birthday party yesterday, Cyphre was there with Petra, so I'm really tired today.
So new alpha version is out! And this time with some informations on what has been changed. Rebcode is now rebound so I can continue with my synthesizer. I'm reading that list now and it seems that lot of things has been changed in 1.3.60 so I have to dig deeper in it.
That's all for today, my girlfriend had a birthday party yesterday, Cyphre was there with Petra, so I'm really tired today.
18 November 2005
This is my first REBOL blog ;) I'm not using Carl's bolgger right now, because I've had problems setting it up on my server, I'll try that later.
I'm running this blog just to keep some informations about REBOL together.
So today new version of REBOL (1.3.60) has been found on REBOL.NET. There's new SIGN opcode for rebcode and some internal DRAW changes to forthcomming support of Rich-Text. More? Don't know, rebservices are still not part of REBOL (probably still too alpha) and rebcode binding bug is there too. Didn't test sound, but this is still buggy too probably. But as I heard, sound is needed for AltMe 2.0, so we can expect some changes soon.
That's all for now, more later and hopefully on REBOL's own blogging system.
I'm running this blog just to keep some informations about REBOL together.
So today new version of REBOL (1.3.60) has been found on REBOL.NET. There's new SIGN opcode for rebcode and some internal DRAW changes to forthcomming support of Rich-Text. More? Don't know, rebservices are still not part of REBOL (probably still too alpha) and rebcode binding bug is there too. Didn't test sound, but this is still buggy too probably. But as I heard, sound is needed for AltMe 2.0, so we can expect some changes soon.
That's all for now, more later and hopefully on REBOL's own blogging system.
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