26 September 2006

What's new???

I don't know. Everybody's waiting for some new release. No new releases, no new articles in my blog. SAD.

13 March 2006

Literar programming

I was interested in literar programming and MakeDoc3 Gabrielle is now working on, but I was missing some code I can try. So I took great HyperNotes software and patched it with one new keyword - SCRIPT. On save, HyperNotes saves not just the notes file but all code between SCRIPT tags as REBOL script. Now I'll try to rewrite RebC (more on RebC later) using HyperNotesLP. You can see screenshot of my patched HyperNotes on the right. It show my simple index.r editor.

BTW, tommorow I'm thirty, so as John Lennon said, you cannot believe me from that date.

15 February 2006


So...Competition is over, you can read the results on its page, I'll write something about Compo in my next blog. I've switched to MEPIS from Windows so I've got lot of maintaince work right now, sorry for no new posts.

05 January 2006

Blog is not dead

I'm just working on demo so I've no time to publish news. Wait till 10.1.2005