19 December 2005


Great! RDC 2005! Write best graphical demo in REBOL, fit it in 32 768 bytes and you can win:

1. iPod Video
2. XBox360 (or Mac Mini)
3. SDK or Command license (1st and 2nd too)

Isn't it great? Everybody's probably working on a demo now as deadline is on December 31st, 11:59:59 GMT. Submit your demos using dedicated web page (wait a moment, there's no such a web page still and the deadline is less than two weeks away!) and then wait.

And if you're waiting you can wait for Core 2.6.3 which is comming in January 2006. Together with View 1.3.3? Who knows. But we can hope.

So don't expect many new blogs till new year, as I'm trying to win iPod or XBox ;)

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